So! Big news. Those of you who know me in real life know that my sister has a heart for the oppressed, disadvantaged, and handicapped, especially children. She is involved in the Reece's Rainbow project, which is an organization that raises money to help handicapped children be adopted and families to adopt them. (As you may know, adoption can be extremely expensive!)
Teresa has committed to fundraise for a child this Christmas, and I have said I will help her. We're going to do an online auction to raise money for the child Teresa has chosen to help, as well as some other things.
I'm asking you to help me! There are three things you can do.
1. Donate something for us to sell. It doesn't necessarily have to be handmade, but it should be something that actually has some resale value--it's a little late in the year for a garage sale.
2. Give me some ideas of things I can sew that are not that hard to make and people will actually buy.
3. Pray/offer good thoughts/hope/insert your verb of choice for the success of our fundraising!
Please do 3 at the least, and if you can do 1 or 2, that would be amazing! To help us out, leave me a comment or email me. (I think Blogger provides a way for you to email me without me posting my email address for the spambots of the internet to feast on.) For more information about the fundraiser and about Reece's Rainbow, you can check out Teresa's blog, Sleeping Under God's Wings.
Weekend Adventures
1 hour ago
I am not in a position to view this web site properly on firefox I think there's a problem.
Or 4: Give us cold hard cash. :p Kidding, but really, monetary donations are also accepted. Comment here or somewhere on my blog and I'll tell you the best ways to do that.
Anonymous--hmm. I am already over my head. What type of problem are you having? Does it not load at all, or not display properly? Is it a problem specific to my blog or a widespread problem with blogger blogs?
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