So, a few updates! These are all tech side updates, although I do have a sewing update, as well as some photos!
First off, I found out where my disappearing comments went. Apparently Blogger puts all anonymous comments into the spam folder automatically. So that's solved--I'll just make sure to check the spam filter regularly.
Second of all, I added a blog list on the right. Due to either a Blogger glitch or my technological stupidity (I never know which...) I couldn't add blogs from my following list. So I had to add them all manually and individually. This means that I am sure I have forgotten some. If your blog isn't on my blog list and you think it should be, let me know! Criteria are just that I like the blog. Feel free to suggest a blog (yours or someone else's) even if you don't know if I already read it--I'm happy to discover new blogs.
Weekend Adventures
1 hour ago
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