This is why I was reluctant to start a blog. I had a feeling I would post regularly for a while and then slip off the blogging wagon. I will spare you apologies and rash promises of regular posts. I
hope to sew more often during the summer, which is almost here (two classes, two papers, four finals, and then I'm freeee!), but I can't guarantee that.
Anyway, I did promise a post about the accessories I wore. Here's a picture (slightly blurry, sorry) of what the hairband, necklace, and earrings:

The hairband is an extra piece of the ribbon that the sash was made out of. I sewed a line of beads down the middle of it and my mother put elastic in the back. It's a very nice hairband, but it's really too wide for the amount of hair that I have. It didn't work terribly well. As a matter of fact what I wound up doing was getting my hair wet, and then my roommate blowdried it to give it a little more volume. The hairband then spent the evening sliding around and looked rather strange by the end of the night. Oh well. Live and learn.
The earrings and the necklace were made by my little sister. I did tell her that if she writes up a description of them I will post it here for her. So far she hasn't. (M, if you're reading this, it's not too late!) So I will do the best I can. The necklace is simply a bunch of smaller beads with large flat glass beads interspersed regularly throughout. The earrings are a tear-drop shape of smaller beads surrounding a large bead. The smaller beads are the same as the ones that I sewed on the hairband.
I haven't worn the hairband or the necklace since the inaugural ball (although I'm sure I will wear the necklace), but I wore the earrings (and the shoes) to Easter Mass and dinner.
How cool! I love making earrings and jewelry too! I'd love to see a closeup! Tell M they look great! And please excuse all the exclamation points!
I do hope you realize that we all know that this entire post is just an excuse to post that picture of you and K. :P
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