This is the photo from the Lands' End website, zoomed in a bit. Isn't this dress awesome? I wore it to church today. I thought it looked a bit sober with the black sash, so I replaced the sash with a white scarf with black Chinese characters on it. I must say, I think this makes a slightly better Spring/Fall dress than a summer dress. It's 67% cotton/28% polyester/5% spandex, which is a bit hot in black, especially walking along sunny roads to church. But hey, it worked.
This dress is a bit looser on me than on the model. It looks better on her than it does on me, but I knew this was likely to happen, and it still looks fine (I think so, anyway). I have such narrow shoulders that RTW clothes are always looser on me. And of course, my shoulders are different heights anyway.
My favorite thing about this dress is that it has pockets! I have very few dresses with pockets, but I'm a bit of a pocket addict.
I love this dress -- I'd love to sew one like it. I have bad luck buying clothing online, and I hate doing returns. I have both narrow and uneven shoulders, too. I was always sent back for second tests when they did scoliosis testing in school, but my spine's normal.
My original plan had been to sew one for myself, but neither of my machines does buttonholes, and the thought of handsewing that many buttonholes makes me want to cry.
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