To recap, here were my goals for the weekend:
1. Do my Greek extra credit project. --Not done, but the weekend's not quite over yet!
2. Write my humanities paper. --Done, a first draft, anyway. I need to go talk to my professor and see if I'm missing anything.
3. Watch at least some of the TV show Firefly with my sisters. --Done! We watched over half of the first season. (Yes, that's a lot of TV in just a few days.)
4. Finish the back of K's sweater. --Done! I even started the front.
So, 3/4 isn't bad, and I'll try to get my Greek project done today.
Major projects I did that weren't originally on my list:
1. Finish setting up the new tank for B's gecko. The gecko is now in a 125 gallon tank instead of a 15 gallon one. B and I only had about 45 minutes of work left, but we'd been putting it off since the summer. Finally, that UFO is checked off my list of things to worry about.
2. Read Aristotle's de anima. I had gotten through book I and part of book II. Now I'm done.
3. Go camping with Teresa and my father. We went on a short one-night camping trip, during which we did very little, but we hiked and birdwatched and had a campfire, as well as sleeping outside in 45* weather.
All in all, this has been a very successful vacation, I've managed to balance work and rest well, which I'm often not very good at. I feel way more relaxed and ready to tackle the last three weeks of school!
Weekend Adventures
2 days ago
1 comment:
Woohoo! Only 3 weeks left til another break!
You can do it!
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